Sunday, September 14, 2014

My Ed-Tech Expirience as a K-12 Student

When I was in Elementary School my experience in Ed-Tech was very limited.  I live in Pelham New Hampshire, and when I was in elementary school students lacked a lot of the benefits that they have today.  Yes, we had a computer lab but it was mainly only for the fourth and fifth graders.  I remember being in the first and second grade where our main resources were always books. I would walk down the halls of my elementary school and watch the fourth and fifth graders enter the computer lab.  I remember asking my first grade teacher Mrs. Sarris what the square things the big kids were using, and she quickly told me that they were computers.  I was fascinated by them and was so excited to learn how to use them.  I was so mad because I thought that it was unfair that we could not use these computers.  Looking back on it I believe that children of all ages should be able to use a computer to learn.  They are extremely beneficial and engaging, especially to elementary school children.  (My elementary school finally realized this, but of course it was after I graduated and moved onto middle school).

As I moved forward to the fourth and fifth grade I knew that these were the years I would be using the computers.  I was so excited because I finally felt like a big kid, and because I felt like I waited a life time to use these computers.  The first topic discussed in my computer class was what the internet was.  I was amazed because I could search and read about what ever I wanted by using  The next topic I learned about was Microsoft word.  I loved playing with the Word Art function of Microsoft.   I could spend hours playing around with all of the fancy colors and fonts.  I loved using and learning about the computer and could not wait to see what else it could be used for. 

As I moved into middle school, I quickly realized that my computer was going to be my best friend.  I learned not only how to use Microsoft Office Word, but also how to use PowerPoint, and Excel.  I really loved using PowerPoint.  In the 8th grade my library teacher Mrs. Nelson gave us a project where she would give us a country, and we had to make a PowerPoint about our country.  I was lucky enough to have been chosen to create a PowerPoint about the best country in the world, which was Italy.  Making this PowerPoint may have been the most fun project that I had ever done.  I had used all of the knowledge I had gained throughout the years in searching for information on Italy.  I used the countries colors to format my PowerPoint, and incorporated the countries history, types of food, and the language spoken. 

During my four years of high school I am surprised that I didn't graduate without being diagnosed with carpal tunnel.  During these four years I not only used the computer for school assignments, but I was also introduced to the social media aspect of the world.  Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram became three sites that I used on a daily basis to talk and communicate with my friends from school.  I quickly learned how as good as these sites are good, they are also very bad.  The amount of bullying I saw happen through social media made me sick, especially Twitter.  I got so disgusted with these sites that I made the decision to get rid of Twitter. 

My high school experience was also filled with a lot of frustration when it came to using the computers inside of the school.  Our teachers would sign out the computers for an entire class period only to sit their and watch a screen load for an hour and a half.  This was very annoying because it took ten times longer to do my homework after school.  Even when the computers did end up working, there was a 50/50 chance that it would freeze and everything would be lost or that it would just shut off.  Pelham High's technology could defiantly use some improvement.  They could have been such a valid source of information but was instead just a hassle.  Luckily I had very good internet connection at my house, and was able to get all of my work done on time.  My teachers were also all very accommodating and would give extra time if need be. 

Technology has certainly changed throughout my 19 short years of life.  Now kindergarten students are learning how to use a computer to advance their learning.  Technological discoveries are happening all of the time enhancing our way of life.  I am very excited to see what different things the computer will be able to do within the next 19 years of my life. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

What Brings You To SNHU?

Since I was little I have always wanted to be a teacher.  On weekends my sister and I would pretend that we were in school where she was the student and I was the teacher.   I would use my graded school papers that I got from the week prior, and use them to teach her what I had learned.  As I got older my passion for teaching grew more intense.  I loved learning knew topics, and loved going to school in general.  Once I entered high school my love for teaching changed in a way that I never thought it would.  My Sophomore year of high school I met a boy that changed my future.  He was a Freshmen at the time and had down syndrome.  I spent a lot of time with him throughout school, and every second was filled with nothing but laughs and smiles.  He was by far the most inspirational person I had ever met in my life.  Nothing could bring his sprits down, and always put me in the absolute best mood.  He is the reason why I am gearing towards majoring in not only Elementary Education, but Special Education as well.  As Senior year came along I began looking for colleges in order to accomplish my goal.  It took no time at all to figure out that Southern New Hampshire University was the place for me.  Walking onto to this campus just felt right, and I knew I had to go here.  As soon as I got accepted this school I made the quick decision to commit to it.  I sit here in EDU 270 and write this blog in order to show that I am on my way to accomplishing my goal.  I sit in this class ready to try as hard as I possibly can to get good grades, and I am nothing but excited to see where the future will take me.